LIFE OF A BOSS The Podcast

Who's the Boss of You? Taking Full Ownership of Your Life

• JASON HARDIN • Season 5 • Episode 2

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In this episode of Life of a Boss: The Podcast, host Jason Hardin poses a critical question: Who’s the boss of YOU? 💭 Are you truly in control of your decisions, or are outside influences—like family, society, or circumstances—calling the shots? Jason dives deep into how identifying these influences and reclaiming control over your decisions can transform your life and put you on the path to real success.

Whether it’s your career, relationships, or personal growth, every decision matters. Jason reminds us that success isn’t random—it’s intentional. Tune in to learn how to own your choices, take back the steering wheel, and be the boss of your own life! 💪🏾🔥

Plus, Jason gives an exclusive shoutout to his new book My First Hustle and invites you to his upcoming book signing event!

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Jason Hardin  0:02  
Jason, welcome back, everybody to another wonderful episode of Life of a boss. The podcast. I am your host, Jason Hardin, and I'm extremely happy, excited and grateful to be here today. I have a very important question, and who's the boss of you? Who is the boss of you? I know everybody wants to say, Hey, me, man, I'm the boss of me. Of course I'm the boss of me. Who you think? Man, I'm just asking because who's the boss of you? Who shapes and makes your decisions? Is it your parents? Is it society? Is it work? Is it your children? Is it your spouse? I mean, who's the boss of you? And I'm only asking that because for two reasons. One, I want us all to identify the influences in our lives to be successful, you have to know what's impacting your decisions. And why do I say that? Because decision making is the foundation to success, you cannot freestyle success in a manner, you know what I'm saying? I mean, you can kind of go out there on a whim, but you can't just be aimlessly successful. You have to have some type of direction, some type of of roadmap, some type of definition of what you think success is, and to get to that, you're going to have to make a lot of decisions that are going to bring you, or intended to bring you, closer to that. So when we talk about who is the boss of you, some of you might have a definition of success, but your influences on making the decisions required to get there. This is where I'm going with this. Who's the boss of you. You have to know what it is you want. First of all, first of all, you know, there's a moment in everyone's life where we gotta ask ourselves, like, who's the boss here? Who? Who's in control of my decisions, my actions and my path? And for a lot of us, if we're real about it, we've been letting other people run the show to a certain degree, whether it's family, friends, society or circumstances, we've been dealt I want to talk about that today. I don't want to let anything define your path, but you, I want you to not allow anything to define your path, but you unless you're happy where you are, if you are living your definition of success and somebody else have their hand on the steering wheel the whole time and you're happy with it, let it be, then you are living your definition of success. And I'm not gonna lie, there's some people out there living their definition of success under their parents, their spouses, their children. I know some parents right now who got children who are in the game and in the business and and, you know, they get to live their definition of success through their children to a certain degree. So it's all about knowing where you're trying to go and knowing that decisions are required to get there. Who's control? Who's controlling your decision making, and it's okay to be honest. Is it your religion? Is it, is it your mom and dad? Do they have, like, like, a strong religious hold on you or or maybe just, just a cultural hold. Is it your culture? And I'm only asking this because we have to identify what it is that helps us make our decisions. Because if everything is going in the right direction, it's okay. But if anything isn't lining up to where the fuck you wanted to be, you have to see where is that coming from. If there's a leak in your bucket, you gotta find the hole. And that's why we're trying to look at like, what are our what are our influences when we making a decision? Vision. Because if we can get to the root causes, if we can just not even get to the root, if we can just identify, be able to say, You know what, I think I'm like this because of my dad, you know, man, he always pressured me to do this. Or, you know what? I think it's my job, man, I man, my job dictates how, when I get up, when I go on vacation, when I go to sleep, when, man, I think it's my parents, or I think it's my spouse or or I think it's my children, oh, my God, they wake me up and, you know, and it's okay, whatever the answer is, it's okay that you identified good or bad, whatever that answer is, because whatever that answer was, you see it, and now you can do something about it. That's the hard part. Now do something about it, because the problem solving doesn't stop with just identifying what the problem is. Now you have to solve it. See, that's why it's called problem solving. And a lot of people think because they know what the problem is, they don't figured it out, and they're good, no, no. And a lot of people act like, you know, that's a cop out. See, some people use accountability as a cop out. Tell me, oh yeah, I'm stupid, yeah, I'm broke, yeah, no, that that's a cop out. When you start saying that and using it as an excuse to get up out of something that'll better yourself, it's a cop out. It might not be a lie. You might be right. Yeah, you was raised fucked up. Yeah, you was broke, you was poor, you got touched on, whatever the fuck the case may be, but you gotta work through that shit at some fucking point. I want to see everybody on the other end of whatever the fucking problem is, cause that's where all the shit you want it is. I want you to want it bad enough, man, I wanted it bad enough. I could have used any motherfucking thing to stop me. Everything I've been through, everything I went through, everything I saw, everything that man, I used to get beat up by a motherfucking adult. As a motherfucking child, my mother's weapon used to just kick my ass for no fucking reason, whenever the fuck I mean, at people's house, we would go to fucking parties, and, man, I get motherfucking singled out by this stinking alone a nigga. Man used to have a shit called Jack you up. I'll jack you up. I'm gonna jack you up. And he was a fucking drunk so that triggered the motherfucking emotions that make him want to beat up a motherfucking eight, nine year old little kid. And I could let any of these moments, any of these things, and that wasn't just a moment that was an error, until I started, you know what, calling the police on motherfuckers doing something myself. I didn't know what to do, and I hate being helpless, but I'm willing to admit when I'm helpless I don't know what to do. The people that I thought were looking out for me ain't doing it. They're not protecting me. They're not helping me. I will call some motherfucking body. I want you to be that person in your life to get help when you need it, you gotta speak on your barrier. Speak on the shit that's holding you back, whether that be other people or whether that be you, you gotta identify it. Speak it out, talk about it, process it, deal with it, move through it, and get over so we can be on the other side, chilling and kicking it and having all kind of good times, changing the world and and making impacts and building big businesses and schools and institutions and and and dreams and and greatness, man, that's what's on the other side of everything you don't want to fucking do. I had a whole scripted show and just, I just, I can't not be real with y'all. I can't turn this shit on hit record not speak what the fuck is real. I can't I can't sugarcoat it. I can't filter it or censor it. And the fucked up thing is, man, people try to condemn me for how I speak sometimes, but you know what the fuck I'm saying, so what? And if you got a degree, you know what the fuck I'm saying. And if you don't have to have a degree, and you're not well educated, and you don't know big words, you know what the fuck I'm saying. And if you do, you know what the fuck you get the point. I don't like being misunderstood, and if me being too real is the misunderstanding, I'll take that, but you're not gonna not get the information from me. You're not gonna not get the truth,

and I'm not. Talking out my ass. I'm not talking still struggling with the same concepts and same bullshit and the same problems I had 1020, 3040, years ago. I'm only speaking on how to get past bullshit, because everything you wanted is on the other side of that, and the only thing in the way is you. Most of the time, no, I'm sorry, all of the time, because even if somebody else is the problem, it's up to you to get out of it. It's up to you to figure that shit out. Even if anything else is the barrier, whether it be your country, whether it be some laws, whether it be whatever the fuck is stopping you, it's still up to you. Your problems are yours. Now you can cheat, get help, pay for somebody to figure it out. That's the cool thing about life. It's nothing like school. You're not alone in this. You're not alone in getting an A in your motherfucking life. I give out a bunch of free information and cheat sheets and all kind of shit that'll get you A's and the test of life, that's all I'm giving that's what the whole life of a boss podcast is all about. That's what the philosophy is. All the real shit that we think of go through, see, speak on happen to us? How do we get through that shit? Ain't no motherfucking show on half the shit I'll be talking about. And if there's a book, motherfuckers, ain't gonna read it, I'm just gonna keep it real with you. So if I happen to fall in the right motherfuckers lap of being that spark to get you to do anything you wanted to motherfucking do in life, man, that's the whole goal. That's mine, because I'm doing it, and I'm turning me doing it into another product, and that's and that goes into business, and I want to get into all of that, but it comes into this mindset first. I don't want to start a whole nother season and people not understand the mindset behind all the tricks and the trades of getting shit done, because I'm not gonna lie, man, I'm smart. Motherfucker, the shit I tell you to do is gonna work. Whether you a good motherfucker, evil, a saint, a sinner, it doesn't matter who the fuck you are, the shit that I say works, but you can still have your motherfucking problem if you didn't take the first class. You know what I'm saying if you, if you skip kindergarten in first grade, and you way up here just because you graduated high school, man, you still might not know how to share hell. You might not know how to not eat paste, because you skipping classes. I don't want anybody to skip classes, because true success is is knowing yourself. It's knowledge, man, it's knowing, because the more you know, the less you need, the more you know, the less you even want, because you know what to want. My God, how many of you know what to fucking want? Raise your hand. Man, I know what to want. Some of y'all motherfuckers don't even know what to want. Some of y'all man, the most thing, like the biggest thing you want right now is your team to make the fucking Super Bowl. Who gives a fuck? Who gives a shit?

Let's not be distracted by anything or anyone when it comes to us figuring it out and making it happen. Who is the boss of you? You have to be able to say, Me, motherfucking me. I make all my decisions, and I know why I'm influenced by the people I choose to be influenced by so I can get to where I want to go. That's the answer, and if it's anything but that, and Don't copy me. You gotta show your work. Show your work. Show me the people that influence you, that get you to do good shit, they'll hold you accountable, to get on you when you fucking up. I'm not that friend to be around if you want motherfucker to laugh at your jokes and not point at the motherfucking elephant in the room, like, what the fuck is up with this? I can't kick it too long with motherfuckers. I can't be real with have to leave. I have to leave. But I'm telling you, man, you gotta own your shit to be the boss of you means you have to understand that you're the fucking problem. And whatever the problem is, you may have, not have started the problem, I'll give you that. But if you're still in a problem, man. You have something to do with it, because if you're not willing to remove yourself from a problem, then you're there to have to you got to figure it out. At least it has to not be a problem. No more. Own your shit. That's the only way you can be the boss of you. Identify where your influences are coming from, see if they're good or bad influences, and if they're not, drop them and take on better influences or make your own decisions if you don't have any influences. But I'm gonna tell you one thing. There's a bunch of books and podcasts my motherfuckers, you know what they talking about, who been whatever it is you want to be. I don't give a shit what you want to be. Podcasts are like internet websites now, like, if there's more than two people that are interested in it, there's a show on it, there's a motherfucker doing it to the fullest. That'll help you get there. You just gotta look, you gotta listen. You gotta listen to you. What do you like to do? And then look that shit up. Quit bumping the same fucking bullshit ass music. If you know you're interested in some shit, I only play music when I'm working, not when I'm trying to be inspired. Only play music when I'm doing shit already, when I'm trying to be inspired. When you're trying to be inspired, you're listening to some other fuckers rap. You're in their fucking world. At the very most, I want to listen to some fucking Lo Fi, some shit with just music and no motherfucking words, because I want to freestyle my own self. I want to blurt out my own ideas. I want to hear myself think you listen to some podcast, or listen to yourself. I can't stand a motherfucker who can't be alone for five minutes without something on, without noise or some distraction, or some fucking computer, internet radio, fucking SportsCenter, and turn that shit the fuck off. Man, can you be with you five minutes? Because if you spend some time with you, you can get to know you and understand who, who's deciding some shit in your life. You can start identifying what these influences are and identifying ways to correct them if they need correcting. Some people, all they got are some of these influences to to help them do right. And that's what I'm talking about. Some of us, we have mentors. Some of us, we I mean, we depend on church and school and and institutions, and that's okay. Get the most out of whatever. There's value. If you in jail, if you in the pen, you better be hitting the library. You better be talking to motherfucker. You better be preparing for your time out here. If you're getting out, if you're never getting out, man, make the most of what your time is in there. And that's all. That's all I can say. I don't even know any I mean, I can't even speak from experience being locked down forever. But if you're still here and you still want to be alive, then there's still hope for you. There's still greatness within you. Nothing can stop you, but you from anything you want to be but you got to boss. You. Being a boss has nothing to do with controlling other people. It has everything to do with how you control yourself. Self control is the number one power we have in the strongest and only superpower we'll ever need. How many of us use it to the full like a superpower? You can make decisions a million times a day. How many do you actually make with intention towards getting where the fuck you want to be in life? And how many are you making just because take control of your decision making, be a boss in your decision making, run you like a fortune 500 fucking company, and you're the CEO of that shit. A lot of people want responsibilities for me. Oh, Jay, can I do this? Can I do that? And I look at them like a bitch, and then you ain't even doing you, motherfucker. Do you first? And if you need help for me, all I'm gonna do is help you be a better you. Because if you come around me, I need you to be the best you you can be. Don't come around me being the sloppy ass lazy fucking you. I'm not with it. I'm not cool with that shit, the unprofessional you that. Like, that's not my style. That's not how I get down. Like I can be unprofessional, all that shit at home on my own time. But if we're meeting, that means we out there interacting in the world with business happening. Man, be professional. Come with your shit. Man, be on. I love my wife because she don't never cut off. Man, she is always on, more on than me all time. You. With diet health like she is never off. I take breaks from certain shit, man, I try to be so good a person, I guess she's the motherfucking best. But even with that, we still have our challenges. So we still have decisions we have to make every fucking day to be the best person that we can be for ourselves, because that you benefits. A lot of people act like, what's that saying? You cut off your nose to spite your face? A lot of people act like, if they destroy themselves, they gonna hurt somebody. You may not think at it, you know, on those voice, but that's really what it is. A lot of people really think, man, they ain't gonna be shit. And if they not, it's somebody else's fault. And I'm gonna show 'em what kind of shit is that. You know? How many adults think that kinda dumbass shit? Like I said, it's a really showin personal development. This ain't some punk shit for motherfuckers. Whoa. You know what they call it? Faint of heart. Well, faint of heart is that? Is that a term? I don't even know, because I'm googling in my own brain, I'm thinking that's a term. But, um, yeah, this ain't for the weak man. It's only for people that want to get stronger. If you are weak man, I'm glad, because that means you're here wanting to get stronger, because that's all you gonna get here, or you gonna get offended and leave. And you can always do that, you know, for real. But I want people to want to get better. I want people around me that want to get better. I want to be around people that want to be better. I want us all to get better together so we can start doing shit better together. So many people need help. They can use our best selves, so many people in our family, so many people in this world we can do or because we care about them. Now, how many people out there care about maybe a cause or something you wish somebody can do that? You wish a millionaire gave a be that millionaire talking about looking at Opa, she can feed all these kids, motherfucker, be Opa, and feed all these fucking kids. Stop looking for someone else to do your shit, to do what you want, to live your dream. I looked at my shit and I'm like, Man, these motherfuckers ain't making the right decision. Man, I didn't look at man, someone should run for mayor. I ran. Twice. I caught hell running, but I ran. And the whole point is, man, be about that shit, man, cause ain't, nobody supposed to care about what the fuck you care about. But you, Karen, don't need company. I'll tell you that shit. Me moving for me. Don't need company. You don't need company to do what you got to do. And that's a lot of people's problems. People want to take their friends, man, we all gonna do we all ain't gonna go to this class. We all ain't gonna enroll. We all ain't gonna go to this workshop. Then I going, man, what kind of fucking punk shit is that? Be the boss of you. That's not just what this episode is about. That's what this whole show is about. That's what my life is about. Be the boss of you.

Live with intention, and that intention being what your definition of success is, not pleasing someone, not following some, whatever, aimlessly, just to for the sake of following it, to say you followed, unless that's your definition of success. There's a lot of monks out there, who, who, who, man that they the best month, they great at whatever monism is. You know what? I mean? I'm not I'm not trying to disrespect. I'm trying to pay respect, because those people are totally into what the fuck they talking about. And that's what I want you to be. Nothing's crazy if you all the way the fuck into it. And that's what we have to realize. Man, some of us have to be great on our own. It's some lonely shit. Greatness is some lonely shit. I bullshit you not. It's harder to find a mate, harder to make friends. You know what I'm saying. It's harder to trust people. It ain't what you think it is. Success. Ain't what it always looks like on the fucking box, man. It's what you make of it, and it's what you make it to be. But the the highest concept of the boss mentality of old philosophy is to own your shit, own you, own your decision making, be the boss of you first. You can't lead anybody out of a paper bag. If people not the boss of you. You. You can fake some shit. There's a lot of fake ass leaders out there, man, I should put a list on it. No, but I ain't gonna call nobody out. My baby says, she said, Don't call nobody. I'll call them in. I'm gonna start calling people in. But see, I hate doing that, because I hate bringing punk ass people around me. I'm gonna keep it real, man, if you acting like a punk ass. I don't want to call you when I want to call you out. Now, once you go, be mad some motherfucker way, you know what I'm saying, but, but like I said, it's constant self improvement, but it's also, like I said, it's the will of showing personal development. We're all trying to figure it out, but it takes understanding ourselves and knowing where we want to be and being very intentional with the decisions we make. There is no choice that doesn't matter in our lives, and if we treat each choice like it could either bring us forward or take us back, then we might make better choices, because they all can either bring us forward or take us back. Because anything that keeps us the same is taking us back. If it doesn't bring us forward, it's taking us back. If you're not with me, you're against, you know, it's very cut and dry because I'm very polarized, you know, I'm in no money in the middle. You either gotta be liked you. I mean extremely loved or extremely heavy. Just hug me both. Man, it's hugged me, you know, John D. Man, you can't please everybody, so stop it, stop it. Stop it. Please you. And that doesn't mean be selfish and honorable and mean and all that. I mean an honor. I mean honorable but but it just means live you to the best you can and be the best you that you can be for you, and know how much power you have in your decision making in your self control. Self control is the number one power. I said it before, the ability to make our decisions for ourselves. Is it? It's the only thing that separates the really successful from the really not and the people that started off really not successful. Can be really successful if they own their decision making. Discipline is decision making. It's making the right decision for you when nobody tells you to be the boss of you. Y'all anyway, that's my time. That's my show. I love all y'all, and I really want y'all to make the best decision for yourselves and understand that is exactly why I say success is a lifestyle. It's a lifestyle. It's not a goal, it's not a destination, it's not a bank account. Amount, it's not it's not how many cars you have, how much poverty you have. Success is a lifestyle. It's how you choose to live and breathe each and every moment of the day of your existence. That's what success is, the way I'm living and moving right now, talking to y'all, that's what success is to me, and I'm happy about it, and I'm in I wouldn't have it any other way. If I had more money, I'd be doing this somewhere in the cup for a good hour, a couple hours, then I'll go back to doing whatever it is I do, and that's what I'm doing now. So it's not about what you have, it's how you live and how you see things and what you appreciate. But you have to make those decisions to appreciate and see life for what it is. It's what you make up anyway. Before I get into any one point, I want to end this with, uh, man, check out my brand new book. Have to plug the book, man, my first hustle from a boy to a boss, about a young boy named JoJo who doesn't get what he wants. So he decides to make it happen for himself is that you would you like that to be? You? Would you like that to be somebody you know? So if you know somebody from seven to 12 years old who might like a good story about being a own boss. Man, check me out. Man, available on Amazon and Kindle and also on on the website. Check out the website., life of a It's everywhere. Man just came out the other day. I believe the published date was the fourth, and I got a special book signing event and mixer coming up October 25 at the maiden dean of headquarters. Google it, if you don't know where it's at, but, uh, it's going to be from six to nine october 25 on Friday, bring your copies. If you bought them already, if you bought them already and you got your copy already, bring them. I'll sign them. I'll take some pictures. I'll. Answer some questions, and let's connect. It's going to be a mix of there's going to be a lot of other bosses there doing a lot of different other things. So going to be free with freshmen. Come hang out, take pictures and enjoy yourselves. And like I said, don't forget that success is indeed a lifestyle. I love all y'all peace. You.

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