LIFE OF A BOSS The Podcast
LIFE OF A BOSS The Podcast
Unapologetically You: Embracing Authenticity in Every Space
In this unapologetically real episode of LIFE OF A BOSS The Podcast, Jason Hardin dives into the power and freedom of being your true self. Whether he’s writing a children’s book, delivering motivational speeches, or speaking with raw language on the podcast, Jason emphasizes that success and fulfillment come from embracing authenticity in all spaces. Addressing listener questions, he explains why he speaks the way he does on the show, the importance of owning every part of your journey, and how staying true to yourself can pave the way to real success. Tune in to learn how embracing your unique voice and personality can empower you to live your best life on your own terms.
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Jason Hardin 0:00
Hey, what's up world? And welcome back to another wonderful episode of Life of a boss the podcast. I am your host, Jason Hardin, and I'm extremely happy as always to be here today. I want to address a question we got recently, and I guess it's coming from the buzz of a new book, and, and it being a children's book, and, and it being impactful and whatnot, and, and I got this question. It was someone who listens to the podcast even got the book, and it was like, Jay, like, awesome book, great kids booking, and it's good stuff. But like, why are you, like, I listen to your show. Like, why are you so real on the show? Why are you so raw on the show? Like, with the with the vulgarity. And it's not all the time, but, but sometimes you just put it vulgar and sometimes even maybe explicit on your show, and just like, whoa. Why is that? Like? How do you balance that and being real, but also giving game that everybody can use, like also creating, for example, your book for children. How do you how do you do that and, or, Why do you do that now? And I thought about and I was like, you know, I appreciate that, but I think what I do on my show, and what I do on, you know, my projects and whatever I'm doing, I put myself into it. Keep it 100 I put myself into whatever I'm doing and and I see value in everything I am. So I might throw out all that I am in what I'm doing. Follow me, you know, I don't want to in any way,
let people, or I'm not even gonna say a lot of people, I don't want to in any way misrepresent why else? I don't want to, in any way not be me who I feel to be me, because I don't want in any way to have to be somebody else, to keep up some other person's image, to have to walk a straight and narrow. That isn't me. Whoever's definition of this straight and narrow. Do you know what I'm saying? I'm not trying to live by anybody else's definition of success. Therefore, I am not trying to get mines in any way. That's not me. That's first and foremost. That's just a layer of reasons why I do what I do, but, but that's number one. Being authentic, true to me, who I am, is number one, because as soon as I try to stick to some script, even if I voted, and that's not how I'm feeling now, I can't fuck with it. I can't read it word for word. I can't go, you know, I have to authentically be able to communicate how I'm feeling right now, and if the message isn't real, well, if I'm not feeling it, it's not gonna, it's not gonna come out, right? It's not gonna, I'm not gonna believe in it. I gotta believe in what I'm doing and what I'm doing is me. My product is me. What I put out there is me. So when it comes to the language, the the vulgarity, the the the obscenities, it's only a reflection of what I've been through, what I've seen, what I've done, but I've lived through what I've experienced. The languages is the way I'm communicating in that moment. Because, like, sometimes, yeah, I'm not here talking shit. I'm not here saying anything that's really controversial. You and that's okay, because that might be a day where I'm trying to get a specific point across. It has nothing to do with anything that's of the streets or negative. It's all flowers and puppy dogs, but everything in business and life. Not all flowers and puppy dogs, and whether it's kids adults or grown folks or old people, I want everybody to know that's the truth, that's the reality that we're living in. And when we understand that's a reality, we can understand, okay, we're supposed to be able to strive in any environment and in any reality, so that being reality ain't gonna stop me from what the fuck I'm doing. And that's the attitude that I want to promote. That's the boss mindset. Because if I preach all this flowers and puppy dog shit, somebody picking this up and listening to every episode, and me not giving them that part of the game, that side of life, that that those experiences they're they're not gonna have everything. They're only gonna get one side of the shit, I'm telling you. And it's not that I want anybody to live that life or go through those but, but I want people to understand what I've been through so they don't think that this isn't coming from a place of depth. You know, there's, there's levels to this shit, and everybody's not built for it. But the reason why most people aren't built for because they're not ready the first time they see some shit is the first time they'll ever experience it. And I don't want that to be for anybody I love. I want you to know what's out here. That's what we take classes so we know how to deal with shit. When the shit comes up, this ain't nothing but a class. Every time I turn this motherfucker on and hit record, it's a fucking class in session. I hope that's how you see it. No, everything ain't all from the book of whatever, and the King's English and in college and academic grammar and spelling. Man, I don't give a fuck. You're gonna understand what I'm saying. That's how I get down in politics. That's how I get down in public, that's how I get down in social media. I'm very consistent. I have a broad vocabulary. I write well and I can speak well, but when I'm not doing either Well, I know how to communicate exactly what I'm trying to say. I know how to articulate myself, and sometimes the best way to get an idea across is is something more universal. I I like I said, I don't want to misrepresent myself. I don't want anybody to misunderstand me, and if they do that, you can't control that. But I'm trying not to be misunderstood. I try to be very clear and beyond that, how you take it, what you think of it. I couldn't give a shit less. But I'm this way not just because it works for me and not just because I feel it's the only way to be, but I want to show people that you can be you and get money and make real shit happen and be part of the community and be looked up to and and write children's books and sing songs and and make toys. You can do anything being who the fuck you are. You don't have to change how you talk to build a toy for kids.
Seriously. And should nobody make you feel like that? Because as soon as you start to feel like that, you start putting yourself in boxes and canisters and and within limitations and and you stop doing what you're really meant to do, and that's be you create. Do you? You're not hurting nobody. Man, by all means, have at it, and don't let anybody tell you you can't do something because you do something else. We grow, we evolve. We are who we are, and it works in harmony. Sometimes I can't do the nice shit I do without being able to speak my mind, sometimes without me being able to let people know how I feel about certain situations, without me being able to communicate on why I'm doing this, why I help, why I get involved. Because all the whys of the good shit I do come from some bullshit or some negativity or some of some bad experiences that I don't want somebody else to live through, or I'm trying to help people get out of. It
so you let people see who you are. That's why I do what I do when I talk, how I talk and I be, how I be, like I said when I'm in them speaking engagements where I talk to classes, I've spoke at everything from elementary schools to colleges and also businesses and organizations and whatnot, but but in elementary schools, every time, I've spoken to some young kids, like minors under 18 and even in elementary This is how I talk, like with the cuss words and everything. Why? Because this is how they're going to remember everything, or at least some of what I'm saying, anything of what I'm saying, because it's going to shock them. It's going to wrap resonate, especially if I'm if I'm in my zone, and really it's like deaf Comedy Jam up there, but with real shit, like deaf policy, whatever you want to call this deaf teaching, and I'm hidden, and they're engaged, and they're gonna remember that I bullshit you not last weekend, not even a block from my office, a man of store, a youngster. He's in his 20s now, says I remember you speaking at the college. Name was Isaac. Man. Dedicate this show to Isaac, and I know if he ever heard me speak, he was on some real shit. If he was a youngster that heard me speak, I know I said some real shit. Now, adults hear me speak all the time, and it's different. Adults remember those who speak eloquently, especially when you're in politics and speaking to a bunch of folks that are older and have money and participate in government, either by voting, by campaign committees, by being involved, but they're going to remember the youngster from the hood that speaks so well. He speaks so well. He's passionate and he's articulate. That's what they remember. That's what I give them. And sometimes they need to be cussed the fuck out too. Ain't nobody above being cussed the fuck out. Believe that shit, and ain't nobody above being called certain fucking names. It's all talk words. Don't believe that shit. Shit ain't gonna change. It's because people feeling change and political correctness change, which always is, is what always was, is what's always gonna be. Figure that shit out. You're not gonna control people. People gonna do what the fuck they want talk how the fuck they want, how are you gonna navigate and get yours among everybody else getting theirs and doing them. That's all you have to worry about. And I feel the realest you can get it done. The best, the realest me can get this shit done the best. If I had to speak any other way, I couldn't do this fucking episode. I couldn't, I wouldn't, I didn't. I wouldn't even want to feel like it right now. That's the I feel like talking right now. I'm not in G rated mode right now, but the shit I'm talking about, it's perfectly G rated. We ain't talking about bad shit, x rayed shit. We talking about what we're doing and how to, how to succeed, how to overcome challenges, which we're talking about resilience, we're talking about confidence, we're talking about being our best selves. And I think the only way to do that is by being us and understanding us, because knowing thyself is like the first commandment of every personal development Bible out there, you have to know you, and you have to be you, but you have to know you first and then be the best you.
And what's bad negative about all that? Nothing. Did I put that shit in the box with a nice, pretty bow on it? Hell fucking No, because that's not how I spoke, how I speak, that's not how I talk, that's not what I say, not all the time. In certain communications, I can, I can get the point across how it needs to get across. But this is me in default. This is me on my podcast, on my show, saying my shit, and I want to hear you on your shit, saying your shit, your way. I. That's what I'm gonna connect with. I'm gonna connect with who you are, not just what you're saying, because if I can't fuck with who you are, I don't give a shit about what you're saying. That's what the game is. That's what we look up to. And the people we look up to aren't the motherfuckers that put shit in a pretty package. Man, everybody loves the bad guy. You don't there's a reason why the rebel, the one going against the grain, because that's what it is. Man, it's somebody being themselves. Fighting for Freedom is just fighting for the right for other people to be themselves, not put yourself all on me and make me try to be yourself or even accept you. I don't have to accept you. We have to understand that we can be ourselves. I'm not sitting here saying everybody has to listen to me talk this shit. Oh, give a fuck who stays or who walks out? That's not what it's about. But the ones who stays gonna get the wheel me. The ones who stay don't get the message, the ones who stay don't get the game, the ones who stay don't get the connection, the relationship. That's what's valuable. That's what's more valuable than than being turned off by how I said something. But for those that don't get that, I don't want to work with them anyway. Who cares about the motherfuckers that ain't feeling you? This ain't for not near motherfucker who ain't feeling me? If you're here watching, you're listening, you're feeling me, and I'm feeling you. And we can vibe. We can listen to each other. We can learn from each other, because we're actually willing? Why? Because we're we're vibing right now, I don't have to be anyone else for you to understand what I'm saying. Somebody else can know you're telling the truth because you dress different, or you look different, or you or you talk different, they don't want to hear it. They don't want to believe it. Ain't even going to listen to you. But who does that hurt? Not you, especially if you got game and you writing you and you living your definition of success. Who the fuck does that hurt? Not you being real? A never gonna hurt you. Some people say, Well, you could lose opportunities. What about sponsorships? Fuck anybody who ain't paying me to be me. That's all I'm that's what my definition of success is. I get paid to do a bunch of shit. I love to do everything. I love to do everything I create. That's what shit the food I create, the T shirts, the fucking programs, the book. That's what pays me, not shit I don't like to do. So any sponsorship that's gonna make me do something I don't want to do, it's not gonna be that's not what this is about. That's not what I built my shit on. It's okay if you do that. It's okay if you have rules and regulations and you run a clean outfit, or this is the nonprofit, and you're religious for faith based, it's okay if whatever the fuck you do is what you're doing, it's okay to be you. But for me, yeah, I don't I don't need Play School to sponsor my shit. You know what I'm saying. I don't need Disney to sponsor my shit. I don't even like I wouldn't care, you know, if they reached out and said, you know, well, we, man, your shit is real. We want to give you some money. Yeah, I'll take it. I'm gonna read the fine print in the bottom line, run that shit through chat GBT, and let it and tell it. Let it tell me what it thinks. But outside of that, yeah, I'm only doing me. And I might evolve. I might change. I might want to do something cleaner. I might, you know what I'm saying. I'm allowed that freedom to grow and change and evolve and and and be something else. If I'm choosing to be something else, like I said, it's your definition of success, and and me is to always be me. And sometimes I change because I grow, I learn, I see things, I move different accordingly. But I'm not gonna filter that on my shit. That's what I'm saying when it comes to my like, my personal Facebook. And sometimes I get employees and co workers and shit they want to, want to add me. And to me, it's like, at your discretion. First of all, a lot of the shit I put is public, so you can just follow me. So if you send me a friend request nine times out of 10, I'm not gonna accept it, because we're not friends. We work together. I look at you every fucking day that don't make us friends, and that's just some real shit, and that's just how I feel, and I can be friendly to you and respectfully. Know that, but we're not fucking friends. I don't need to be looking at what the fuck you do at home. I don't care. I don't care you. Don't say that if you care about what I do and you want the game I want to get to know me. There's enough public shit out there to feed off of. I put, I post, enough public post for you to get the gist of my shit, but friends, that's something else. Follow me, and that's on some real shit. When we can gain a friendship, we can be some mutual we cannot, well, anything. Can get anywhere, but that's not where it starts. We don't start off as friends, because you know my fucking name, where you see me every day. But like I said, that's who I am. I'm unapologetically me. You know what? I think you have to be unapologetically you, and that's what, even with Peter Vogue and even some other folks, they say, be polarizing, but it's polarizing That means somebody either likes you or they don't, and you have to be okay with that. You don't want everyone to like you shouldn't. If you do, then you have a different problem, you know, and you should get that looked at. You should listen to this more, because we don't do that, you know. We don't care that much about what people think of
us. So like I said, Be you unapologetically. That's why I do what I do on my show. That's why I communicate how I communicate on my show. That's why I say what I say, get into the stories. And I never know. So I can't even just warn them, motherfucker, because I don't even think it's shit to warn you about. You're tuning in to me, motherfucker, this what you gonna get live, candid, whatever. I don't have a script. I don't even go off notes, because I will, and sometimes I can. I can knock that shit out bar for bar and fill it. But if I'm not, man, I have days like this where you know what. I have shit I want to talk about, but fuck all of that. This is what we're saying. This is how I feel today and right now, and what I'm passionate about, and what I know some people think or feel or wonder, you know what I'm saying so, so this is actually why I wanted to get this across. I didn't even want to do an episode on this, but I think it should be stated why I am so polarized. You know why? You might tune in one day and get a kitty show me talking about Young Joe, Joe and his story and my first hustle and and you might get straight PG shit one day and turn in tune in the next day. And I'm talking about, you know, the real estate. What makes this the realist show on personal development? I'm talking about the shit that we're thinking, the shit that we've been through, the shit that, like I said, I've been through the winger. I'm not even gonna get into my bio. Those of you who know, listen, if you don't know life of a boss.net, click about me, and you'll learn about me. You'll get, you'll get a snapshot of who I am and what I've been through, and then, and then after that, listen to every single episode, and then you'll get a hint Who the fuck I am. And and you might understand why it all works for me, and that's the science of it all, and how to apply all this shit to you, how to get you to work for you, how to get your UPS, your downs, your highs, your lows, your quirks, to work for you while you're trying to be better at the same time, I want you to meet yourself in the middle. You don't have to be perfect to have everything you want, but you always got to be striving to be the best you. That shit gets closer as you get closer to being the best you and you can meet in the middle, it's not gonna wait for you to be perfect. Success isn't waiting for you to be perfect at Stanford when you want it, right now, as soon as you start wanting it. You You got a piece of it. You're living it a little bit. You know, every decision I make that's good, I'm living my definition of success a little bit and a little bit more and a little bit more and a little bit more. Each and every decision I make that's good and positive and takes me towards where I want to go. And I celebrate. I can celebrate little mental celebrations, like, yeah, he's a motherfucker. You bad the motherfucker. It's, you look at you. You go, boy, look at you. You know. So, like I said, Man, it's, it's still me doing good work, because the motherfuckers out is still me doing good work, and sometimes I think it's work that must be done. You got to be you and I, and I appreciate all the real motherfuckers OUT out there being them. Corey Holcomb, top of my list of real motherfuckers out there, being them, saying they shit. And it be real shit. It don't just be ignorant. And so. Times they look at me because you don't get it, you know what? Like a pimp says, square wouldn't get it, you know what I'm saying. And that's a whole different mindset, mentality that's that's totally valid and totally understood. There's a lot of value in what is said in that culture. But like I said, man, you gotta let people be them. If they not hurting nobody, and everybody's playing along, you don't let everybody got in their world is playing along, man, let them do them, because you don't have to play along. And that's the whole thing about this shit. You ain't gotta listen. You ain't gotta subscribe, like and share this show. You don't have to. But if you do, man, I know that's some real shit. You you felt what I'm saying, you understand what I'm talking about.
Be you, motherfucker, be you. It's much easier. It's much more comfortable. You can get a lot more shit done. Now I'm saying cuss out the motherfuckers you work with, because that's how you feel. No, not if you want that paycheck. Three weeks from now, you might get paid in two weeks, but three weeks from now you might not have shit. So if that's not how you can get down right now, you know, play your game, but have an outlet like I said, I don't cuss motherfuckers out. I don't say this shit that I say on this show everywhere, because sometimes ain't the time nor the place, but here on my shit, this is always the motherfucking time and place to be me. So when you come close to me in my circle, you gonna get me if you on my personal Facebook, if you aren't following my personal Instagram if you're listening to this show, fuck what you think. The first thing I must say is, fuck what you think. But welcome, and I'm glad you you're here. I'm happy you're here. Hello. But first and foremost, fuck what you think. Because I'm here for the motherfuckers that want to be here.
I'm here for you. If you want to be here, I got messages in game and tips and hints and hats. If you want to listen to it, you don't have to. I'm here to listen to what you gotta say, like something or not like but, but leave reviews, man, uh, leave me questions. Send me emails. Hard Way, enterprise llc@gmail.com Jason hardin@maidendena.com Jay Hardin at life of a boss.net, it was my email. Send me some emails. Send me some hate mail, man, if you, if you, if you just totally disgusted by the shit I'm talking about, let me know. But if, if some of this reaches you and resonates with you, and you understand some of the shit, and you get some value from what I'm saying, let me know that too. Like I said, be polarized and be you. Sometimes it ain't even popular to like me. How many mothers you hear be like, Oh, that's who you listening. Are you listening here? Oh, that's the kind of music you like, or that's the that, man, what people think you off of, you know what I'm saying, like, like, it doesn't matter how they feel about whatever you offer. Man, be you. Be you say your truth. Have a have some Avenue where you can be you, unfiltered, unapologetically, and stand on your shit. Man, that's the fucking key man you gotta be about your shit. When, when somebody addresses me about what I say on this show, I might put it back on this show, because, like I said, I stand on my shit. My word is born, motherfucker. Like hell. No, you gotta be funny. You should say that shit. But yeah, my word is born. Lion is a motherfucker, man. That shit, that shit ain't even fun. You know, that shit ain't cute. That shit is tied some it's, it's, it's some bullshit. I mean, you got to be like, You got to have a certain level of bitch ass in you to lie about shit, period. You know what I'm saying? I mean, you got to have some non boss, you know? I'm gonna tell you one thing every boss want to say, everything they fucking do, whether they can or not. You know what I'm saying. I'm talking about even the ball. About even bosses that do illegal shit. Nobody wants to deny what the fuck I do. Know, no real boss wants to deny anything they motherfucking do. If that's how they get down, they this is how I get down. What now that's your will. So I never want to deny nothing I fucking do. So everything I said I stand on that shit, then do I say everything I fucking do? Not if it's not necessary, no, but if I said it, I usually mean it. So that's why I'm on show like this. That's why I talk to shit. I talk in the way. I talking, because I usually mean how I'm feeling, and this is how I feel today, you know. And I think it's a good thing, because it lets you know who you're connecting with, and it lets you know if you should be connecting with a motherfucker, because if you can't connect with a motherfucker, B and M, then it's hard to really like, try to like, truly admire that person or truly respect that post. You know what I'm saying? Like, like, Okay, I'm not off you. You know what I'm saying? If I know that you a bitch ass mother like, I don't give a shit how good your content is. Like, I ain't off you behind closed doors, he's a bitch ass motherfucker. I ain't off you. That's why a lot of people are disappointed when they meet their heroes. That's why the boys on amazon prime is one of the realest shows out there. So it's all sci fi superhero, all that type shit. But it's one of the realest shows out there because it shows how motherfuckers would really act if they had certain powers. It just gives you just a polarizing view of what reality would be if it was that, and I appreciate it good show that, Amazon man, creators of the boys. I don't know the directors. I don't even get into that. I should, you know, learn about directors and producers. I was a film student for like half a semester. But that's neither here nor there. But I love all y'all, man, keep the questions coming, and I hope I answered your question, man, I hope I gave you some value in in the idea that you can be you and still win and still have everything you want, still live your definition of success. I mean, that's all. You can't live your definition of success if you're not being you, if you're not speaking your mind, if, if people don't know who you really are. And that's, that's your definition of success, to be in a box in here, and just like beyond being visible or being so low key. I mean, like to he To each his own. But if you're trying to do some major shit, and you're trying to be out there and be who you are, you know, a brand, a business, whatever it is out there, to me, an influencer, and all it is, if you're trying to go out there and you have to engage with people, you want to be as authentic as you can be, because that's what that's where longevity is. I'm not even gonna say that's where all the money is, but it is where the longevity is. It is where the freedom is. It is where the you're not being put in the box. You're not being a prisoner of a prisoner of your own image that was built for you by by publicists and and record labels and executives like you have to find out what your definition of success is and and if it's to ride that little hustle for a minute and do something else, I'm not knocking you, if you had to go to the army to buy your home, and I'm not knocking you. Some of us do our time, and it's best to do our time while we're young, and then we rewards from that later. But like I'm saying, I'm getting up there. I'm not trying. I'm 40 plus years old. I'm not trying to have to fool for nobody. I'm not trying to have to play a role for nobody. I'm not trying to have to wear a paper hat and name tag, if that ain't me, for nobody, if that was me, I'm with it. And on days I choose to do that, um, I guess so, you know I'm saying, if I if I want to put on a paper head name that, you know what I'm saying, if I want to be nice today, if I want to be pleasant, if that's how I feel today, I'm allowed to be there. But what I'm always do is keep it real with me, and I'm gonna do it on there, especially with you on this show. So no matter what the fuck y'all see me doing, come to this show and I'll explain why the fuck I did it. I anyway, I love y'all. Man, keep checking on the website. Man, get the book. My first hustle from a boy to a boss man for the youngster in your life that they might have some potential. Just want to get some ideas too. But, uh, man, remember, success is indeed a lifestyle. Let me wrap up, because I will sit there and do another 20 minutes of this show, but I love y'all, but that's another reason why I say do what you love to do and how you love to do it, because you'll get more content being you, being real, you know, saying being honest with yourself, being honest with others you you'll get a lot more shit done, because you move different when you're yourself. You know what I'm saying? You ever have, like, a an outfit on that fit, right? It looks good on you. It's your color, the shit, it's clean, it smell good. You know what I'm saying. Don't you move different than if you was wearing somebody else's hand me downs, and you look stupid in it, and doesn't fit right, and it smells and it feels funny. Wouldn't you move different? That's what this mentality is. That's what that boss philosophy is about. Man, we want to move in a way that keeps us a fucking a success. Life that keeps us on top it keeps us winning, and this helps us do that. You can think better when you when you feel better, but it's hard to feel better when you can't be you, and it's hard to feel better when you can't be the best you, when you when you're feeling like the best you, you can be man, that's when your confidence is high, that's when you can golf better. That's what, that's when a lot of shit happens when you when you're on top of your game. Man, that's all you're thinking about. Is I'm here. I've arrived. You get in this zone, but you're only there when you're you. Man, so, man, like I said, I can go on forever. I love y'all man, check out the website, life of a boss.net. Check out the book my first hustle. Check out made and bena.com and they've helped pay the bills. And, yeah, check us out life of a boss.net. Um, forward, slash my first hustle to check out all the products we have. You know this shirt, level up, elevate your game. If you know the story, you know the product, but, um, yeah, get to know the story also. We also have a guide for the parents, teachers and mentors that buy the book, man, we want to help you better interact and expand on what's in the book, but anyway, I'm gonna let y'all go. Man. I can do this shit forever when I'm feeling it, but I love y'all. I'm gonna let you go. God. I.