LIFE OF A BOSS The Podcast

Permission To Fear

JASON HARDIN Season 1 Episode 8

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In this episode, Hardin speaks on overcoming fear.

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Jason Hardin  0:03  
Hello, and thank you, we are back for another incredible episode of life boss and welcome back. We have a wonderful show for you today. And it is all about overcoming fear, overcoming fear, like literally how can you be a boss when you scared. So fear and overcoming it is very important. So today, we're going to learn about how to eliminate fear related obstacles. Because I'm gonna tell you, what makes fear bad is not the fact that you're scared. Or that feeling will make us feel bad. It's usually something that keeps you from doing something that you need to do that might benefit you or give you some opportunities. You know, what we're trying to eliminate the obstacle, the fear creates, you know, so so how do we eliminate that by eliminating that fear, but by eliminating that feeling, by eliminating that, that reaction to fear that keeps us stuck? You know, because fear is almost like anger or any other emotion, man, it's what we, how we react to it, that makes it bad or good. You know, anger can be good, if we react to it in a way that helps us situations progresses forward to create opportunities. But if we hurt somebody hurt ourselves and create damage, then anger is bad, you know. So fear is the same way. If fear gets you to react in a positive way gets you to react to overcoming it, changing the situation, doing something about it, then fear can be positive. But if it gets you stuck and dormant and, and afraid to move and afraid to speak and afraid to act, then fear is negative, then it's an obstacle. You know what I'm saying? So, how do we eliminate some fear related obstacles, but some notes I'm sharing with you. The first thing you do is you prepare you understand how the first thing you do to eliminate fear is to prepare, you know, a lot of how many prepared people are afraid, you know, I don't see a lot of prepared folks, if somebody came for a test and, and they studied and, and they listened and they paid attention and they took notes. They're not gonna be too scared on test day. But if you were slacking off, he didn't do none of the homework. He didn't pay attention to class. He didn't do none of the work. You might have a little fear and you come test morning, you know what I'm saying? So So preparation is always if you're getting ready for a game, you don't say you didn't practice you didn't put your work in you didn't lay nobody out in practice. You don't I'm saying? Matter of fact, you got talked a couple times in practice. You know, man, you missed a couple balls and practice you didn't put in the work to get better and all that now it's game day. Oh, yeah, you should be afraid. And you got good ways to be you didn't prepare. So prepare to prepare in have that preparation built up towards something is always going to help you eliminate fear. So prepare. Next thing on my list is face fear head on. I don't care what you're scared of man, face it head on. That is like one of the quickest, easiest way all angles easy. But it's fast. It's one of the quickest ways to get over some things by facing it head on. You know, I had a fear of public speaking. And speaking in public, what did I do? I ran for office. And I did a speech when I announced that I was running and I spoke to some some youth and one of the you said how are you going? Why are you going to run for office? If you if you hate public speaking, and I told him about me. You see what I'm saying? It's not about me. It's not about what I feel it wasn't about my fear. You know that what I had and what I wanted was was something way bigger than me being scared to talk in front of people. My dream is way bigger than my fears. I'll tell you that right now. So you whatever you want out of life has to be way bigger than what you scared. Otherwise, what you weren't even big enough. I don't want something smaller than what I'm scared, I'm stupid. I want something that can take out and totally demolish what I'm scared of. That's what I want to be. That's what my goals are. That's what I strive for. Because I have a feel if I reach any of that there's nothing I could ever make me scared or afraid anymore, you know, so so that's how bad you gotta want it. You gotta want what you want bad enough to, to where everything that's in your way, is nothing. It's just like a distraction just like a flea just like any other thing to just distract you. That's all it is periods of distraction.

Jason Hardin  4:55  
And if you try to come up and if you try to be a boss and if you try to be successful if you try to have help Have you in happy relationships in a meaningful life on your terms, then fear can be allowed to dictate your next move. Alright, anyway that's my time. I love y'all I hope y'all learn something today. I hope you all picked up something because I don't want you guys to be afraid to succeed because a lot of people law anyway, life of a boss man. See you next

Unknown Speaker  5:23  

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