LIFE OF A BOSS The Podcast

Average is deadly

JASON HARDIN Season 1 Episode 19

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In this episode, Hardin explains how average is deadly.

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Jason Hardin  0:00  
Hello Hello Hello and I am Jason Hardin, your host and welcome to another wonderful episode of life of boss is burning up in this studio but we are still here giving you value and basically giving you some game to help you become successful because that's what this show is all about man How can you be better how can you be the best you that you can be, I don't need you to be me, I don't need you to be somebody else I need you to be the best. You You need you to be the best you because that's where we that's that's when everything comes once you start maximizing yourself once you start being the best you that you can be stuff starts happening, things start coming together, you started being happier, on top of everything else. And today's show is really gonna be about how average is deadly. averages deadly being average is deadly. And you know, some of you might think that it's okay to be like, you know, average "C" student. This podcast ain't for you we're only here to groom greatness, you know to, for those who want to strive to be better do better, and average doesn't cut it. And I'm gonna tell you why. If you were average, and if you were meant to be average, you wouldn't be here now. Seriously, if you were average you would never have been born you would have never been conceived. It was those average sperm. That didn't make it you don't say average was deadly for them. They was average, they didn't want it bad enough. They wasn't swimming fast enough. They didn't work hard enough. But you did. You are not average. And you are not supposed to be to, to to live in an average manner is an insult to you existence. And that's truly how I live. I mean, I come from Dire Straits, if you call it that, and I never pictured how I would get here. But I've always pictured getting here. You see what I'm saying? There's nothing about me ever wanted to be average nothing about me wanted to be like everyone else. I am unique and so are you and you should master that. Master that because as I said average is deadly man. What happens when we're average what happens if we just do barely enough to get by? We get unhealthy. Did you know that average is deadly not just in business, but it's deadly in life to become unhealthy. If you're not running, if you're not working out, if you're not doing, you know, average just not doing anything. I'm living life, I'm going to work I'm coming home. Netflix, I'm chilling, I'm eating I'm chilling them. That's average, above average people, they're going to work and they're not coming straight home, they might hit the gym before they go home. Matter of fact, they might hit the gym before they go to work. And you know, they might not even have a gym membership. But they might wake up early enough to do some push ups. Some sit ups, some stretches drink some water you don't I'm saying they're doing stuff that average people ain't doing and that's what I'm talking about. That's the stuff that's gonna keep you around here a little bit longer. And what about average businesses What about businesses just trying to you know, barely get by, you know, they're not they're not taking advantage of technology, they're not taking advantage of social media, they're not taking advantage of email and and all these ways, they're not taking advantage of podcast you don't I'm saying that I'm taking advantage of YouTube that those average businesses are the ones that you're not going to see after COVID the ones that didn't adapt to delivery and apps and all these other ways to get it that's average you don't want to be average average is deadly. Average is deadly average is not going to help you get anywhere in life if you truly want to be there. And like I said this show isn't for everybody this show is for those who don't want to be average. This show is for those who are trying to get better. We're trying for those who are trying to become the best versions of themselves and you will never get there be an average so the next time you get an assignment you get a job you get a task show out you know what I'm saying that's

how that's how life is my life is meant to be lived and you don't live being average greatness don't comes to those who are just waiting to get by just waiting for the next day just waiting for the next paycheck just waiting for the next whatever average people are going for it they're getting it getting it and that's what average is conducive to Yes. I mean, not being average is conducive to success. Not being average is a key point, man. Where, the average kid you went to school with you don't I'm saying I mean a lot of them they got average jobs but the ones who excelled they the doctors right now the engineers right now the lawyers, the judges, the people do. Those are the folks that that invented stuff. They created stuff. Maybe they didn't get A's in school, or in grades but they got A's and being creative. They got A's on the field. They got A's in that in that whatever Whatever interest them, they went hard on what interest, them don't be average on on what interests you. If you're going to be average in anything better not be in something that you care about. Don't be an average father. You don't say don't be an average mother. Don't be an average friend. Don't be an average worker. Don't be an average entrepreneur. Because those are going to get mowed over and forgotten. be great. Anyway, that's my time. Just want to leave y'all with that man. I love y'all. last boss. Thank you.

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